Bike Path Design Document
Utilizing what we learned in module 9, we expanded our knoledge of MSP as we included PERT analysis within MSP.
Figure 1 This shows both just the tasks and their associated optomistic, likely, pessimistic, and expected times as well as the diagram of the tasks and the projects critical path.
The last lecture of Microsoft Project included integrating finding the expected time within MSP. This addition was after we had completed a entire project and tracked it as well as the addition of calculating EV and PV. This inclution of calculating expected time utilizes excel principles within Project to allow automatic calculation. This inclution of calculating the expected time within Project allows for the project to be as close to realistic as it can be and takes some stress from those managing the project.
Like said in artifact 3, this knowledge is a uncommon thing to learn but allows for the understanding of the Microsoft product suite, which all operates in simular ways. This inclution of learning how software that is used alongside specific tasks allows for you to understand how those are completing their tasks and also an understanding of simular software that you might encounter in you tasks.