Microsoft Project

Part of 3320 included learning and using microsoft project. during lectures with MSP, we UTILIZED past lectures on WSB, schedules, and budgets to create a project timeline in microsoft project 

Figure 1 Image that shows the whole project that was created in Miscrosoft Project.

Figure 1 Image that shows the whole project that was created in Miscrosoft Project.

Figure 2 Image that shows all the resources within the project including the employees, machines, and consumables.

Figure 2 Image that shows all the resources within the project including the employees, machines, and consumables.

Figure 3 Images shows the Network Diagram of the entire project and in red, shows the critical path associated with the project.

Figure 3 Images shows the Network Diagram of the entire project and in red, shows the critical path for the project.

For our Microsoft Project part of class, we learned the basics of how to input information in a efficent manner to also talking about some best practices that will help us use MSP effectively and efficently. Going from the ways that you open MSP to start such a project either from scratch or from an excel file, adding in the resources that a project has and including the task that the project has.

This part of the class reinforces what we have learned previously in class and allows us to again practice and understand the objective of a schedule, WBS, and more while being able to use a professional program in a effective and way. Being able to understand a program and able to utilize them is a great help in everyday life and help understand other products that are simular.

This artifact is a somewhat uncommon thing to learn unless in specific classes and helps learn and understand more of the Microsoft suite of products that have mostly the same layout and function. Having seen the use of a schedule and WBS along with a budget in a program and seeing what changes when you do certian action helps to understand later on what changes to a project can cause.