About Me

Courtesy of Kara Kelly

An engineer that cares about more than just his field

Logan is a current Missouri University of Science and Technology Junior in the Electrical Engineering Department. He graduated from Lee's Summit West High School in 2020 alongside Summit Technology Academy and spent multiple years in Boy Scouts, FIRST Robotics, and Dance.

Logan's early studies at Lee's Summit West mainly consisted of all PLTW engineering courses. That allowed him the chance to apply and get into Summit Technology Academy, where he could further prepare his goals and knowledge for college.


Competitive dance

Logan grew up in dance from the age of 7 with Wynn Twins in Raymore, MO where he gained skills in Hip hop, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Tap, and Irish Tap. He performed with the competition dance team at Wynn Twins, who competed at a regional and national level with a musical theater production. He currently demonstrates these continued skills in his relations with the Ballet and Dance Club at MST where they put on a performance each February based on past musicals or movies.

Ballet and Dance Club

Logan has continued his love for dance into college by joining Missouri S&Ts Ballet and Dance Club, which is a student lead dance organization that chooses, choreograph, and performs musicals each Febuary at Leach Theater. Logan has partaken in the past three performances: Lion King as Pumbaa, Frozen as Weselton and Pabbie, and in Mamma Mia as Harry.

Boy Scouts

Along with dance, Logan grew up integrated in Boy Scouts where, along with several other friends, formed a new "pack" and later on "troop" where he gained most basic level leadership skills that he now carries with him wherever he goes. The skills of leading a group, planning for an event, and getting ready to camp were all learned from this opportunity. Logan pushed in the last years of his dedication to Boy Scouts to create 22 16'x8' floating docks for his Eagle Scout Project and offically earned his Eagle on the 6th of October 2018.

FIRST Robotics

The favorite part that Logan enjoyed during High School was his involvement in FIRST Robotics Team 1986 Team Titanium hosted at his high school, Lee's Summit West High School. His involvement in this team started early in his Freshman year, where he was the pnumatics lead of the team preparing the team's 2017 robot, Athena. He only progressed in the team after getting trained on the mill and lathe which lead to him being the Mechanical Lead for two years. From planning, designing, prototyping, assembly and maintenance on the field, he was an integral part of the team even helping with the electrical needs. Logan's senior year was cut short due to restrictions, however, Logan served his last year as a mentor to others including the FTC team's co-team lead.

Thomas Jefferson Hall Association (TJHA)

Thomas Jefferson Hall Association was the first extracurricular activity Logan joined in his college career. This started by running for and being elected as a floor governor on the 6 North floor at Thomas Jefferson Hall. After officially being elected as a floor governor by his floor, he immediately ran for the Tradition Committee Chair within the organization and was elected to the position shortly after. In the TCC position, Logan looked over and lead the committee to run several traditional events in a new way due to covid such as Spook the Halls, Deck the Halls, and TJ Week. After a year as the 6 North Floor Governor and TCC, Logan strived for new positions and went for the role of President of TJHA. Logan was elected as the President of TJHA for the year of 2021-22 where he lead the association and introduced some new legislation to allow those who were not elected as a floor governor by their floor to still have the chance to partake in TJHA. His main love for the role of president was learning and using Parliamentary Procedures in his role to organize a meeting in a effective way.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

The Residence Hall Association is the parent organization to TJHA that Logan partook in his first two years in college. As part of Logan’s involvement with TJHA, he also partook in RHA as a senator for two years while being the TCC and president of TJHA. Logan was also involved in the networking group Action One that all executive members were a part of as president of TJHA. After being President of TJHA, Logan was elected as the RHA Vice President of Advocacy for the year 2022-2023. In this role, Logan was responsible for leading three committee chairs: Service, Food, and Hall Improvement. Logan had been a member of Hall Improvement the past two years where he helped bring fireplaces to the halls, brought tin can recycling to one of the halls, and started the painting of the two pedestrian tunnels on campus. During his time as VPA, Logan was also the face of the Hall Government and College at the regional and national level within NACURH and MACURH as the National Communications Cordinator (NCC). During Logans time as the NCC for his college, he went to the Regional Leadership Conference (RLC), the Regional Business Conference (RBC) and will go to two National Conferences after May 28th 2023. All three of these conferences help network for college Hall Governments affiliated with NACURH through resources and skill presentation. 

Student Council

While as the RHA VPA, part of Logan's job was to attend student council meetings that were biweekly along with monthly committee meetings, where Logan represented RHA in the Campus Infrastructure Committee. Logan pushed for more crosswalk signals on the North/Northwest side of campus which serves the sidewalks for residences who live in Thomas Jefferson Hall and on the west side of the city around the campus. These signals are currently planned and are being installed in stages during 2023.

Mars Rover Design Team

Logan joined the Mars Rover Design team his freshman year of college. He was part of the electrical sub team, where with a partner, they designed the 12 volt power board with KiCad that provided all systems on the rover from the battery onboard.


NRHH Bronze Pin

Logan was given the NRHH Bronze pin by the President of RHA for the work he did during the year of 2021-22.

FRC Deans Lists

Logan was nominated by his FRC team, Team Titanium, during his junior year of Highschool for the work he did with FLL and FTC Mentorship.

2018 Honor Roll

Logan achived his High School honor roll during his Junior year.