Bike Path Design Document

In Module 5, we learned about planning out your project to through a Kanban board to make sure your wole team understand the work at hand.

<Artifact 8> Kanban.pdf

Being able to understand where you are in a project and what needs to be done can be a little less stressful with a Kanban Board.

In the world of managing projects, there are multiple ways to manage projects. This module of the class covered traditional and agile approaches and selecting the correct process or creating a hybrid to correctly manage the team in a effective way. For this class, J.B. Hunt came in to talk about their operation. This included the clasic waterfall approach with their programmers working on the commerical cargo app while the Agile approach with Kanban or Scrum was utilized with most other of their projects.

Not all major details were added to this Kanban board and was the only major feedback recived from this activity. Additionally, this activity was done in google sheets for quick collaberative work and is known as not tbe best system compared to something like Trello.

Being able to understand the process of scheduling out tasks in a project and the ways to handle the process is an important detail in project managment. This serves to reinforce critical thinking as you produce these critical documents. Utilizing the process of managing projects can honestly be taken out of project managment and multiple ascpects can be utilized outside in general life. Understanding the flow of how your and others work should and will flow is another aspect of your critical thinkking and bringing in forward thinking in what is going to happen. 

This was a main part of my take away as I currently already utilize a Kanban board with all of my school work and this oppertunity allowed to to strengthen how I utilize this tool in a effective way.