Bike Path Requirements Document
While in 3320, The class breaks out into teams to work with a city, this semester we worked with Potosi Mo. In my team, we are designing a Bike path around the city park

This document list out the requirment of the project as starts to narrow and focus the scope of the project on what the project will enatil and what the project needs for the whole project as well as the outcome of the project.

Updated Requirements Document
In the project section of class, teams utilize what we have learned in class and create a solution/design to such issues, wants, or problems with in a specific city, this semester, Potosi Mo. For the requirments document that is seen above, my team grouped together all the wants of our project to create a bike path around the cities park such as the width of the path as well as what is out side of the scope of the project. This deliverable of the project deminsrates the need to cover all of the project and understand the project in whole.
The final document has been added as the second document above to allow for cross referencing of any changes. The above document is a live document to a current project, this document will change. Come back after May to see the final document that was submitted to Potosi for their future use.
For this deliverable, I belive that the whole scope was capture with out edit. Of cource the scope of any project changes but the document shown above that my team sumitted was a great first deliverable and shows the whole project whole. Things can always be continually improved on.
Knowing how to scope out and list all things in a project is a crutial task in any project and helps provide a undersnding of the project just like the WBS. They hand in hand help as you continue a project and help you as you continue in a project to keep you fresh and understand what you are doing in the project. For me, having the ability to understand a project for just simple homework to a large project and being able to break it down and acknowledge what is to be done in anything is great to have and this example helps build those skills.