For Module 4 in 3320, the class learned about WBS and completed the prompt of creating a WBS for the awards banquet that we had been PREVIOUSLY working on as an example


This is the activity that my team produced after learning about WBS's for the class activity.

Within Module 4 of 3320, the class learned about WBS and their usefulness of breaking down each task to be completed in a project. This expecially helps with the later discussed schedule that can be based off of these task allowing for a well orginized schedule and project in a whole. As for what a WBS is, A Work Breakdown Structure is used in a deliverable enviroment of project managment to breakdown the task of a project into subtask to better manage the work required of the specific project. A WBS is a hiearical breakdown and helps mold the scope of the project further. Microsoft Project uses WBS as the main input of tasks in the program and will have examples later on on work with a WBS and MSP. The main task is at level one, Awards banquet, in the above case and is the overal thing that is to get done, to have a awards banquet, in the case of the inclass activity shown above. The second teir is what is going to be deliverable in a WBS where task to have that deliverable be done are below on the third teir. In the activity shown above, Managment is the deliverable to be given to the department administration that is wanting this awards banquet. In doing so of managing this awards banquet, we must reserve the venue as one of the tasks. One thing that can help a WBS be more defined is the additon of a dictionary which was not utliized in this example but can help provide a better description of the task at hand, what resources might be needed, and the associated budget for that task. 

The above WBS does not include a WBS dictionary and is only a three teir version with no work packages. Additionally, there was no major feedback on this work after it was graded.

This artifact is a great way to understand how to breakdown what might seems to be a daunting task and allows for it to be understood in a brokendown way. This also allows for those to understand how to breakdown a larger project and is the reason why it was chosen to be shown from this class. The importance for anyone to understand how to break down any task into smaller, managable tasks, even whwn you are in a large group, creates efficency for everyone to work on a project and complete what they are best at without overloading them.

The lesson taken from 3320 in this particular module is that of understanding how to create an efficent process and in doing that how to break it down. this skill is helpful in more than just a project managment situtation and helps all understand their basic task from work to at home. Most do this process in getting new furnature or buying a car or house, but beeing able to tackle a larger project like repairing a house requires more than a couple steps and being able to list those steps out in order is crutial.